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Showing posts from 2015

The Aloe Vera with Mother Lee

My interest in herbs originated from growing up with a mother who is a believer in the Power of Nature. Here is an interview I did with her about the Aloe Vera plant. Mother talks about how she uses the Aloe Vera

Why I MUST drink this TEA every morning!

OUR MORINGA TREES I conducted a small experiment last week and I made myself the Guinea Pig. I have been drinking Moringa Tea on and off for a few months and I decided to take a week off just drinking my regular green tea instead. During that week I could feel the changes in my body. First, I was lackluster to say the least. I struggled to get out of bed each morning and when I did reluctantly roll out, I was in no way motivated to do my one hour walk. I just wanted breakfast, yes I was famished, every single morning, hungry like a dog- crazy eh? Yesterday morning I woke up at 5:00 am,, went to the kitchen and resumed my Moringa regimen. Immediately I felt the effects, my energy perked up, I ate a banana, went on my walk and after my one hour walk, I came home still not hungry. It may be mind over matter but I don't mind. I find that when I drink it regularly I do not need my allergy medicines or my albuterol (for asthma), I really just don't get sick. It is my resolution...

Mackerel Rundown from Our Kitchen

Today the hubster and I created our first video, We have been asked over and over how we prepare the food that hundreds have enjoyed from our home kitchen. Here is the first of what we hope will be many videos demonstrating our delicious Jamaican food. ENJOY, like, share and comment! THANK YOU, from our kitchen to yours virtually.


This blog is not here to diagnose a medical condition, or replace your health care provider. However, I hope to inspire you to become healthier, more self sufficient, and more aware of alternative options to your healthcare. I have provided my own and the testimonies of others as to how different products or procedures have worked from them. This is all a part of information gathering not hard and fast recommendations.I hope to aid you in your own personal research and study and I have provided research links for your further study into any topic. Nothing I say has been evaluated by the FDA, I am a Ph.D. but not a medical doctor, so naturally I do not prescribe medications or recommend for anyone to stop taking medications without first consulting with their Doctor. ALWAYS CONSULT your personal PHYSICIAN. You have a choice to use what I share is at your own risk.I will never share any product or information that we don’t fully endorse, its simple, if I love something I will share it. I am not paid to do so. Please enjoy my blog, share it and follow. There are some good things on here.

Dr. C.P. Lee