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Showing posts from September, 2015

Why I MUST drink this TEA every morning!

OUR MORINGA TREES I conducted a small experiment last week and I made myself the Guinea Pig. I have been drinking Moringa Tea on and off for a few months and I decided to take a week off just drinking my regular green tea instead. During that week I could feel the changes in my body. First, I was lackluster to say the least. I struggled to get out of bed each morning and when I did reluctantly roll out, I was in no way motivated to do my one hour walk. I just wanted breakfast, yes I was famished, every single morning, hungry like a dog- crazy eh? Yesterday morning I woke up at 5:00 am,, went to the kitchen and resumed my Moringa regimen. Immediately I felt the effects, my energy perked up, I ate a banana, went on my walk and after my one hour walk, I came home still not hungry. It may be mind over matter but I don't mind. I find that when I drink it regularly I do not need my allergy medicines or my albuterol (for asthma), I really just don't get sick. It is my resolution...


This blog is not here to diagnose a medical condition, or replace your health care provider. However, I hope to inspire you to become healthier, more self sufficient, and more aware of alternative options to your healthcare. I have provided my own and the testimonies of others as to how different products or procedures have worked from them. This is all a part of information gathering not hard and fast recommendations.I hope to aid you in your own personal research and study and I have provided research links for your further study into any topic. Nothing I say has been evaluated by the FDA, I am a Ph.D. but not a medical doctor, so naturally I do not prescribe medications or recommend for anyone to stop taking medications without first consulting with their Doctor. ALWAYS CONSULT your personal PHYSICIAN. You have a choice to use what I share is at your own risk.I will never share any product or information that we don’t fully endorse, its simple, if I love something I will share it. I am not paid to do so. Please enjoy my blog, share it and follow. There are some good things on here.

Dr. C.P. Lee