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Marrying Our Dad!

The hubster peels oranges and leave them on the kitchen counter for me. Other times he neatly slices up the watermelon and put it in the refrigerator and he always peels the pineapple, core and slice it for my consumption. He claims that he does these things for me because to him I appear awkward with the kitchen knife and he does not want me to lose a hand. The kitchen knife story is the cover up story that he uses when he does not feel like telling me the more latent reason why he does what he does. On a few rare occasions he has told me that he does it because he is suppose to do it. I ask, "what do you mean?" and he says, "when I first met you and we started dating you told me that your father treated you like a princess and if I am not willing or able to do the same I should leave you alone" he further stated, "you said he would always peel oranges for you and you both have a love for watermelon and could eat an entire one together". I did not know he was taking notes, but everytime he "takes care" of the fruits I realize that he is working on treating me like my daddy did.

While he tried to be like Daddy I was subconsciously creating my own template for what a mate should be like. If someone had said, "are you hoping for someone like your daddy?" I would respond with a resounding "No". I had studied enough Freud to be wary of the Oedipal and Electra complexes, thought the mythology was incestuous and pathological and did not want to be associated with any form of parent hate/love/lust/death and all it represented. I also saw my Daddy as a stubborn man who knew too well how to push my buttons- why would I want a husband like that? I wanted different qualities and thought I found them.

Father's Day is Sunday, June 19. Tonight I started reflecting on my father and the father of my child and I realise that in many ways I Married my Daddy! They are both very creative, they are smart, mechanically inclined, handy around the house, they both cook, they both prepare my fruits, they love food, they love the food I cook, they are home bodies, they have a history with the cigarette, a soft spot for Pepsi and beer and like Western movies and those oldies but goodies music- Gee Whiz!! my head is spinning just writing all of that and I know if I think hard enough I will find a few more similarities.

I remember the day I found out that the hubster was left handed, I laughed and said "like my daddy". Yes, they are lefties. They hold their pens funny, I believe that the way they hold the knife when they peel a fruit is awkward and I am convinced that they will lose a hand. Obviously, I am right back where this post started talking about fruits, a knife and a hand.

Happy Father's Day to my Daddy and the Daddy of our boy. Happy Father's Day to my other Dad (B.V. W) who was there for me in the crucial teen years. Happy Father's Day to my friends reading this who are Dads- be good role models for your Princesses, even if they do not think that much of you right now. Happy Father's Day to my sistrens who must be moms and dads to their child(ren)- my respect to you.

Have a great one and nuff love!!!


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Dr. C.P. Lee