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Social Media and the Potential for Peaceful Protest and Positive Change in Jamaica
First I followed a Facebook friend and liked a Facebook page called JPS Bills Are Too High! Then I updated my status to the statement above. As a thinking person it did not take long for my thoughts to start drifting and I realize that like many other places, this social media ‘craze’ is infiltrating and has great potential to make a positive difference in my small country. I started recognizing this last year, during the Tivoli/Dudus incident when a grassroots news agent in Jamaica created a Facebook page relying on its members as citizen reporters who would tell the news as they see it happening. The Facebook page of this news agent exploded as people joined and reported. That was powerful. It was not long before discussion groups, Facebook pages and twitter accounts became devoted to campaigning for a better Jamaica and people from within Jamaica and the Diaspora were responding to the campaigns.
IN THE WORDS OF MY MOTHER: Lucille Lee, J.P., Maggotty, St. Elizabeth:“The high cost of energy has been a crippling factor for many businesses and must be addressed with a great sense of urgency…” Source: “Wish List For Chris Tufton”-Jamaica Gleaner, July 21, 2011
Today, there is a social media drive that Jamaicans should wear something black to protest against the rising cost of electricity bills and the stronghold that the utility company the Jamaica Public Service (JPS) has over the pockets of the Jamaican people. I know that when I lived in Jamaica people were complaining about their electricity bill but I wonder if this latest campaign will be different. Are people’s pockets finally “bussing” at the seams? Has the monopolistic hubris and total disregard for people’s pain displayed by the JPS finally gotten unbearable? Is the social media just an easy place to throw out an idea and see how it flies through cyberspace? Or are Jamaicans ready and willing to protest in non-traditional, albeit, non-violent ways?
Lately, there has been some evidence that people are logging on, looking in and becoming citizen activists for a better Jamaica. The media and social media in particular has the indelible power to take an idea or a campaign and broadcast it globally to effect immediate change or at least call attention to a problem. Most recently, a humble fellow in the countryside of St. Thomas, with a strange “twang” was able to call attention to the demise of his community when it rains heavily, the river “come dung” and “nobaddy canna crass it” because there is no bridge. I believe the latest report I heard is that the community may soon have a bridge.
So who knows what will happen today dubbed “black out Friday” the protest against the Jamaica Public Service? I admire this campaign; my only concern about it is whether it was a great idea to ask people to wear black on a hot day in a tropical country? I know that many who may join in this campaign and wear black may work in cool AC fed offices, but what happens if the JPS cut off the light and you have no fan and no AC who suffers then? I think that would be the person dressed in the piece of black clothing. Good Luck, my people!
UPDATED: October 24, 2015- My Testimony Last year I decided that for my 40 something birthday I would gift myself a mammogram. It was my first time and it was an uncomfortable experience. A couple of days after the screening I received a call from the Dr., she told me that there was a small spot on my breast that they will need to a second mammogram to determine what it could be. She assured me that it could be nothing and I should not panic. Well, I was concerned and decided that for the next 7 days to the 2nd appointment I would take a shot glass full of the Guinea hen weed (GHW) that I have been soaking in a corner for a few months. My mother had set the bottle up for me but I never really paid it much attention. I knew what people said GHW was good for and if there was ever a time to "test" it that time was now. After a week of GHW consumption I returned to the clinic for my follow up appointment. Needless to say, the results came back clean. I know there were many p...
Cooking with Bitter Melon ( Momordica Charantia) One of my favorite TV show is the Food Network's "Chopped". The basket intrigues me and the chefs' response to a challenging basket and a ticking clock is nothing short of dramatic. On one episode the chefs were challenged with the Bitter Melon, an ingredient I grew up knowing as "Foo Gaw". The Bitter Melon is from the same family as the Jamaican herbal tea Cerasee and has an equally acerbic taste as the dreaded tea that we would have to drink whenever we had a bellyache or needed some form of "washout". Anyway, back to "Chopped", the Bitter Melon bowled over a few of the chefs who had no idea how to cook it. One chef just sliced it up and put it in a salad, I felt sorry for the judges who would have to taste that because I am all too familiar with its taste. Needless to say, that episode brought back memories of my father and his love for the bitter melon and how much that influence...
Some 260 Jews sent to refugee camp in Jamaica during World War II spent three years in paradise while their relatives were murdered in concentration camps. One mystery remains: Are any of them still alive? David Regev Published: 09.11.11, 10:57 / Israel Jewish Scene SOURCE:,7340,L-4113958,00.html Shahar Bar couldn’t believe his eyes. On a dusty carton bag, between the shelves loaded with material on the activities of the Joint during the Holocaust, he saw one word: "Jamaica." Unsurprisingly, his first thought was that the file ended there by mistake. "Jamaica reminds me of Bob Marley," he says. "What does the Holocaust have to do with Jamaica?" But a peek into the file revealed a treasure: The unknown rescue story of 260 Jews who were rescued from bleeding Europe in 1942, in the middle of World War II, and sent to a camp in Jamaica. They spent three years there, dealing with the trop...
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