What could Woods, Edwards, Kahn and Schwarzeneger (to name a few) tell us about penises and power? That as long as a man has a penis and some power, he is likely to cheat on his spouse. It also tells us that penises like swords are often wielded as weapons in acts of violence against women. This view appears narrow but for many women, it is a thought that crosses our minds whenever we hear of cases like this, especially if you are a woman who has been cheated on. I am sickened by the two cases (so far) this week of powerful men who have raped, fathered a child outside of marriage and disrespected their wives in a way no woman ever wants to be disrespected.
Powerful men and their out of control penises pisses me off. What gives them the right to rape and cheat? Last week I was most pissed as I read the American Journal of Public Health report that stated 1,152 women in the DR Congo are raped daily. That is 48 women raped every hour- how, why, how dare you? I believe violence against one woman is violence against all women and because those sisters are poor, may be uneducated and live in a land far away, they are women, they are sisters and I feel their pain.
Back to the men who cheat. Where do we go as wives, girlfriends or single women hoping for a partner? Fairy tales, our mothers and society says we should seek the men who can provide for their families and be our heroes, therefore, the more powerful a man is the more attractive he appears to most women. Deep down inside most women still want a man who can take care of his family, defend us, hold us up when we feel like we are falling and ensure the protection and security of his household. The men who are most successful at fulfilling the economic and social roles we ascribe to them are also viewed as powerful men. So if powerful men are prone to infidelity, where are we? Do we settle for power and emotional insecurity or…
If you wanna be happy
For the rest of your life,
Never make a pretty woman your wife,
So from my personal point of view,
Get an ugly girl to marry you.
If you wanna be happy
For the rest of your life,
Never make a powerful man your husband,
So from my personal point of view,
Get a wimpy man to marry you.
To Maria and all the heartbroken sisters- Be Strong!!
Your comments are welcome.
P.S. I know women cheat too and provide “jackets” for their husbands, so please do not remind me.
Interesting links: